Sub-Prime Car Loans Second Chance Credit means exactly what the name says. It is the opportunity to access credit for a car loan and to reclaim your financial security irrespective of the previous history. At That Car Place, everybody gets a second chance! If you consider yourself to be in one of the following situations, then That Car Place’s Credit and Loan Department is for you: No Credit, Bad Credit, Bankruptcy, Proposal, Late Payments, Poor Credit etc… We can help you rebuild your credit scores starting today! Every person has had a different credit situation and for every different credit situation, a different credit score. That Car Place has the ability to get you approved for your car loan now. We have Credit managers that have years of experience in dealing with problem credit. We understand that most people face financial challenges at one point in their lives or another. By understanding the changing dynamics of the credit market and the lender’s requirements as well, we are able to build a case based on current circumstances that will lead to a car loan APPROVAL right away. We convert 32% of all of our Sub-Prime customers to Prime customers within 18 months. This means that we are able to move you to a lesser interest rate on your loan! It also means that you are on your way to rebuilding your credit score, allowing you easier access to other types of loans and credit. Our Car Loan Credit Managers don’t stop working with you once you have been approved and chosen a car. They maintain contact with you so that we can get you into a better rate car loan in the future. Rebuild you’re credit quickly with our help! We have developed our system to maintain a relationship with our customers so that we can move their sub-prime loan to a prime loan.
What does this do for you?
It is the first indication to other lenders that you have begun the process of rebuilding your credit and therefore your credit score.
It allows you to replace and purchase another vehicle at a lower interest rate.